D2L's Teach & Learn
Teach & Learn is a podcast for curious educators. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone, each episode features candid conversations with some of the sharpest minds in the K-20 education space. We discuss trending educational topics, teaching strategies and delve into the issues plaguing our schools and higher education institutions today.
47 episodes
Making Learning Fun With Edutainment Creator, Jerry Kolber
In this episode, Dr. Emma Zone sits down with Emmy-Nominated edutainment creator Jerry Kolber to talk about making learning fun. Kolber’s work in television and podcasting focuses on blend...

The Power of Competency-Based Education With Dr. Amber Garrison Duncan
In this episode, Dr. Cristi Ford and special guest Dr. Amber Garrison Duncan, executive vice president and COO at the Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN) dive into the skills-forward world of competency-based education (CBE). Toget...

SUNY's AI Integration: A System-Wide Approach Across 64 Campuses With Kim Scalzo
Figuring out how to use generative AI responsibly at one university campus is challenging enough – what happens when you’re tasked with doing it across 64 of them? In today’s podcast episode, Dr. Cristi Ford chats with Kim Scalzo, I...
Season 3
Episode 9

Improving Awareness and Access to Student Support Services in Higher Ed With Dr. Amelia Parnell
According to a U.S. News + Generation Lab report, 70% of college students have struggled with mental health since start...

Casting Hope as the Lead in Higher Ed With Dr. Jessica Riddell
If "all the world's a stage," as Shakespeare believed, then hope should be cast as the lead, argues Dr. Jessica Riddell of Hope Circuits Institute. Riddell contends that hope can transform higher education into spaces where humans can truly flo...
Season 3
Episode 7

Pathways to Higher Ed Reimagined With Stanford's Matthew Rascoff
When the goal is a university degree or diploma from a private institution, learners can bank on a long road ahead. In some cases, the path traveled is straightforward; in other cases, it’s winding with more than a few detours, U-turns and full...
Season 3
Episode 6

Reinventing Education: Mike Yates on AI and Innovation at Teach for America
There aren’t many people who’d voluntarily pursue a career in a field they grew up disliking. But that’s exactly what Mike Yates did. Now a Senior Designer at the Reinvention Lab at Teach for America, where he leads AI initiatives, Mike joined ...
Season 3
Episode 5

Teaching Data Literacy for a Data Driven World With Tom Andriola
We are living in an increasingly digital world where nearly everything we do generates data. This information can be used to come to profound and impactful decisions that create tremendous benefits—but only if we can interpret, understand and p...
Season 3
Episode 4

How KSU Built an Analytics Platform That Faculty Love, With Dr. Anissa Vega
As the debate over whether a post-secondary degree is worth it rages on, higher ed institutions are seeking solutions that can help them attract and ret...
Season 3
Episode 3

Weaving Climate Action Into Every Course With Karen Costa
What if you were asked to incorporate climate action into your existing curriculum? Would you respond with: “I’m not a climate scientist,” and follow up with “what does climate have to do with what I teach?” It may sound odd, but whether you te...
Season 3
Episode 2

What Living Longer Means for the Future of Work and Education With Dr. Michelle Weise
This is how a typical work life unfolds: we get an education, then a job and after 40 years or so at that job, we retire. But experts say, that won’t work in the future. (Pardon the pun). People are living longer, healthier...
Season 3
Episode 1

Creating Pathways to K-12 Success: A Principal’s Perspective with Sharonda Willingham
Student identity is crucial in K-12 public schools, but it’s not always given the attention it deserves. When students feel a sense of belonging and see their identities reflected in the spaces and curriculum around them, they thrive. This can ...
Season 2
Episode 17

Actionable Insights to Improve Equality in Education with Daysha Jackson-Sanchez
We have a collective responsibility and an obligation to work toward making education equitable for all learners period. Wouldn’t this world be a better place if anyone who desires to learn, regardless of gender, religion, race, location, socio...
Season 2
Episode 16

Distance Education Is Under Threat: What You Need to Know With Dr. Van Davis
Counter to the old adage, the US Department of Education is looking to fix something that many argue ain'...
Season 2
Episode 15

Celebrating Educators at the STLHEs with the D2L Innovation Award Co-Chairs
It's nearly time to roll out the red carpet! The STLHE Awards are fast approaching, and the D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning Co-Chairs couldn't be more excited.
Season 2
Episode 14

The Digital School’s Road to One Million Learners With Dr. Lesley Snowball
As educators, we know that knowledge is power. Nowhere is this more evident than in underserved and displaced populations. According to the United Nations, nearly half of all refugee children are not attending school. Thankfully, there are init...
Season 2
Episode 13

How Teaching Skills Can Complement the Use of AI in Education With Michael Feldstein
As AI continues to spread across the education landscape, the role of teachers is shifting. But what if educators looked at AI as a complement to their skillset, rather than a threat? In this episode of the Teach & Learn podcast, Dr...
Season 2
Episode 12

How AI Changes the Expert-Beginner Relationship and Stunts Skill Development With Dr. Matt Beane
While the applications and advancements in AI, robotics and intelligent machines are proving to be invaluable at the moment, our next guest reminds us of the old adage that nothing in life is free.
Season 2
Episode 11

How a Creative Approach to AI Can Enrich Both Teaching and Learning With Reed Dickson
While many educators are cautiously dipping their toes into the LLM waters, this episode's guest has been playing in the depths and enjoying every minute of it.Reed Dickson is an educator, writer, designer and speaker focused on the fut...
Season 2
Episode 10

How AI Can Support or Prevent True Learning With AI Strategist Justin Bruno
Welcome to another episode of Teach & Learn brought to you by D2L. Our regular listeners will know that we have been diving into AI as of late. As this technology evolves so must the conversation. It’s our responsibility to continue...
Season 2
Episode 9

The Importance of Critical Thinking in K-12 Classrooms With Dr. Aleigha Henderson-Rosser
Many K-12 teachers view critical thinking as a crucial skill for students to work on. But unlike a core subject, teaching it isn’t as simple as carving out a dedicated time slot and running an assessment at the end of the term. Technology can c...
Season 2
Episode 8

How AI Can Impact Education and Beyond With Julian Moore
AI is here, and it’s here to stay. Whether you’re an early adopter of artificial intelligence or still reluctant to embrace it, the reality is it’s only going to become more and more prevalent. As with most technology, it will eventually find i...
Season 2
Episode 7

Building an Infrastructure for the Exchange of Verifiable Digital Credentials With Naomi Szekeres
There’s been a lot of chatter in the higher education world about the need to redefine the value proposition around credentials and skills. How does one verify a credential or skill from one university versus another? On top of this, universiti...
Season 2
Episode 6

How to Humanize Online Learning With Nicolas Parés and Mandi Singleton
In this episode of D2L's Teach & Learn podcast, Dr. Cristi Ford discusses the importance of humanizing online learning with guests Nicolas Parés and Mandi Singleton. They talk about the need for building meaningful connections in virtual sp...
Season 2
Episode 5

How to Scale and Systematize Innovation in Higher Education With Michelle Sengara
In today's episode, we welcome Michelle Sengara, Director of Academic Innovation at York University, to discuss how to systematize and scale innovation at higher education institutions. Our guest and host chatted about the systems approach to i...
Season 2
Episode 4